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Type-Moon, Nishiwaki Datto & Nasu Kinoko | Fate/ Stay Night

Japanese: フェイト/ステイナイト
English: Fate/stay night
Type: Manga
Volumes: 20
Chapters: 82
Status: Completed
Published: Dec 26, 2005 to Oct 26, 2012
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Authors: Type-Moon (Story), Nishiwaki Datto (Art), Nasu Kinoko (Story)*
Serialization: Shounen Ace

Synopsis: The story takes place in an ordinary Japanese town, Fuyuki City. Hidden from society, there has been a deadly war going on in this town. Seven sorcerers known as "Masters" summon a powerful familiar called "Servants" and they all fight each other till the last one. The last one is said to attain the Holy Grail which will grant them a wish. Only a few knows when this War started and what the Holy Grail is, but the war was about to begin again this year.

The main character is Emiya Shirou, who lost his parents in a fire and was adopted by a man who called himself a sorcerer. Admiring his step father, he has been training himself to be a sorcerer. However, he had no talent and he could barely use one type of sorcery. His step father has already passed away, and today he's a sorcerer without any skills or knowledge. He is involved in the War of the Holy Grail when he accidentally summons Saber, who is said to be the strongest servant of all...

Related Series
All Around Type-Moon (Alternate Story)
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan (Adapted From)
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan (Spin-Off)
Fate/Apocrypha (Novel) (Alternate Story)
Fate/Apocrypha: Unbirth (Alternate Story)
Fate/Extra (Alternate Story)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (Sequel)
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (Alternate Story)
Fate/Prototype - Tribute Phantasm (Alternate Story)
Fate/Stay Night - Heaven's Feel (Alternate Story)
Fate/stay Night x Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (Side Story)
Fate/stay night: Comic Anthology (Other)
Fate/stay night: Comic Battle (Other)
Fate/Strange Fake (Side Story)
Fate/Strange Fake (Novel) (Alternate Story)
Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper (Spin-Off)
Fate/Zero (Prequel)
Fate/Zero (Novel) (Prequel)
Himuro no Tenchi Fate/School Life (Side Story)
Moonmix! (Spin-Off)
Type-Moon Gakuen: Chibichuki! (Alternate Story)

Adaptation: Fate/stay night

Groups Scanlating
Angry Issei Scanlations (inactive)
Assassin Scans (inactive)
Beast's Lair 
Crystallis Scanlations (inactive)
Dynasty Scans
H-Night (inactive)
Kawaii Heavens (inactive)
Kawaru-Enishi (inactive)
Squiggle (inactive)
The Infinity Scanlation (inactive)
Zefgame (inactive)
mugeSlowScans (inactive)
iamthebest22 (inactive)

Licensed in English
Viz (10 Volumes - Dropped; Digital) 

Source: MAL Manga info, Baka updates

Side notes: The translation has been stopped in volume 15 according to Baka probably due of the licensing of the manga but still as it is dropped by the official translator/ publisher it'd be nice to have ending for the series.

Main characters

Saber (セイバー)
Height: 154 cm
Weight: 42 kg
BWH: 73-53-76
Blood type: O
Armaments: armor, sword
Likes: well structured meals, stuffed animals
Dislikes: badly structured meals, dressing up too much
Talents: gymnastic exercise, secretly good in all kinds of gambling
Famous quote: "There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance."

She is Shirou's Servant, an agile but powerful warrior. Loyal, independent, and reserved, Saber acts coldly but is actually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals. Her class is considered the "Most Outstanding," with excellent ratings in all categories. Since her Master cannot effectively provide her with mana, she minimizes her activity to preserve what she has. Saber is frustrated by Shirou's "protective" tendencies, believing his erratic and reckless behavior will jeopardize her chances of winning the Holy Grail War.

Saber is a strong-willed young woman who always speaks resolutely. She is courageous, determined, and set on winning the Holy Grail. She constantly insists that she is a knight first and that her gender is of little importance to her. She is resolute in following her own morals regardless of more viable tactics being available should she consider them to be underhanded, leading to conflicts with Kiritsugu over the strategy within the Fourth Holy Grail War. While obtaining the Holy Grail is of the utmost importance, rejecting her chivalry is something that she will not do under normal circumstance even if it should put her at a disadvantage.

She doesn't like to be treated as a woman, or even as a human, due to her status as a knight and a Servant. She tries to keep the notion that she is only a Servant, a tool for her Master, first and foremost in her mind, so she initially has no objections about Shirou accidentally seeing her naked body. She slowly becomes more aware of herself after their relationship develops, and eventually even becomes flustered upon the same situation being repeated. She is unwilling to show emotions, as she has suppressed them so strongly and views herself as a knight foremost. Even though she attempts to hide them, her insecurities become more and more apparent, and she later begins to open up more and show her emotions more easily, especially to Shirou.

Though she once felt more linked to dragons, she came to enjoy lions after taking care of a lion cub for a month at some point in her life. She claims that it is not that she "likes" them, but rather the happiness she experienced as he became attached to her brought forth a bond with them. He was very energetic, often biting or scratching, but she wished to be able to stay with him until the end. She has had feelings for them since then, and even remembers the fond memories while holding a stuffed lion. Shirou seeing the memory of her rubbing her cheek against the lion comments on it being a time where she looks like a girl her age.

She is shown to have a humongous appetite, finishing large servings of rice within one minute. Although she can normally eat anything, Shirou's food education is what awoke her gourmet spirit. She originally did not appreciate modern food as she doesn't actually need to eat as a Servant and because she had believed that all food was like fish and chips. She had very bad experiences with the food in her time, due being limited to meals like large quantities of potatoes, vinegar, bread, and ale or even at times simply eating vegetables alone.

She did not concern herself with food much in her life, allowing the cooks to do as they wished. She felt it was unrefined, although she was not displeased by it. She does shudder at the thought of eating it compared to Shirou's cooking. She thought it had been made to suit the tastes of the knights because they acknowledged it as tasting good, but they simply were unable to say it was bad to the King's face.

She is very cold and merciless to Illya during most of Fate/stay night despite her being Irisviel's daughter. This is due to the fact that she never asked Irisviel about the name of her daughter, and when Saber sees Illya during the war, she completely disregards the possibility that it could be the same child. She believes that Illya is too young to be the girl she saw getting a piggy-back ride ten years before, and she believes that she would have become more mature like her mother by the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War. She reasons that Illya is a new homunculus completely unrelated to Irisviel with similarities in her appearance due to the Einzbern homunculi looking alike after their creation. Given a chance to casually interact with her, while she doesn't trust Illya at first, she is eventually able to act nicely around her. She is able to freely have fun around her without any worries.

Rin Toosaka (遠坂 凛)
Age: 17
Birthday: February 3
Classification: Human, Mage
Height: 159 cm (Fate/stay night), 124 cm (Fate/Zero)
Weight: 47 kg (Fate/stay night), 29 kg (Fate/Zero)
BWH: 77-57-80 (Fate/stay night)
Blood type: O
Servant: Archer 
Likes: praise of her father, polishing jewelry, messing around with Shirou
Dislikes: electronics
Affiliation: Homurahara Academy, Year 2 class A
Famous quote: "The world is just another word for the things you value around you, right? That's something I've had since I was born. If you tell me to rule such a world, I already rule it."

Rin is a model student and idol of Shirou's school. She barely talks to other students in her school and exhibits a desire to be left alone as exemplified by her tendency to stay on the school's rooftop, away from the rest of the students. She is secretly a Magus and a Master in the Fifth Holy Grail War. In the beginning of the anime, she summons Archer for her Servant, although she originally wanted to summon Saber. Rin is reared as the successor to her family's magecraft, instructed by her father Tokiomi Toosaka to prioritize sorcery over her own interests.

Two centuries ago, the Toosaka House, in collaboration with the estates of Makiri and Einzbern, helped found the Fuyuki Holy Grail Wars. The land of Fuyuki City, which possessed the second greatest spiritual power in all Japan, was owned by Rin's ancestor, Nagato Toosaka; at the behest of the Einzberns, he provided his property as battleground for present and future wars. Nagato was a kirishitan, as well as a pupil of Zelretch; these titles gave him considerable influence in both the Mage's Association and the Church, allowing the Toosaka family to participate in the Holy Grail Wars, free from harassment by either organization.

Rin was brought up as the successor to her family's magecraft, and was instructed by her father to prioritize magecraft over her own interests. Ten years ago, Tokiomi Toosaka was selected as a Master in the 4th Holy Grail War, and Rin was entrusted to take care of the Toosaka estate until his return. Her mother, Aoi Toosaka, was left in a debilitated state from the war, so her care was left to her guardian, Kirei Kotomine. After her father was killed, Rin continued to improve her sorcery with some guidance from Kirei Kotomine. To divert attention from her private life, Rin has diligently strived to earn the admiration of her peers, even though she is secretly stingy, tomboyish, and a slacker.

The rights to the Toosaka lands were inherited by Aoi after Tokiomi's death, and subsequently inherited by Rin after Aoi's death. Kirei managed them as Rin's guardian, and because of his foolhardy and coarse management, the majority of profitable properties ended up in the hands of others. It is possible that he believed the wealth was bad for her upbringing due to following the principles of humility and poverty.

Although Rin resents the sacrifices she has endured for the sake of tradition, she is fiercely competitive and eager to prove herself as a skilled and capable magus. She was immensely disappointed at summoning Archer and ended up in a quarrel with him; however, the duo soon reconciled, set aside their differences and quickly got along.

Archer (アーチャー)
Master: Rin Toosaka
Height: 187cm
Weight: 78kg
Affiliation: Rin Toosaka's Servant, Counter Guardians
Armament: Mantle
Likes: all kinds of housework (he denies it)
Dislikes: a hero of justice
Talents: fiddle with junks, all kinds of housework

He is the Servant of one of the series' main heroines, Rin Toosaka. Due to an incomplete summon, he apparently has no memory of his previous life or identity. Archer is sarcastic and cynical—but under his hardened exterior lies a complex and dark personality that unfolds throughout the story. Though skilled with ranged weapons, he can hold his own in melee combat. Archer considers Shirou Emiya's idealism to be weak and delusional, recognizing Shirou's mentality of "wanting to save everyone" as naive and impossible.

Illyasviel von Einzbern (イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン)
Age: 18
Birthday: November 20
Height: 133 cm
Weight: 34 kg
BWH: 61-47-62
Servant: Berserker
Affiliation: Einzbern
Classification: Homunculus
Likes: snow
Dislikes: cats
Famous quote: "I don't intend to kill you, Shirou. You're mine. I'll kill the other Masters, but you're special. That's why I locked you up here, so there won't be any interruptions."

A young Teutonic aristocrat, she traveled to Japan to participate in the Holy Grail War as a Master. Illyasviel has an angelic appearance and an unsurpassed degree of magical power. She lives in a castle on the outskirts of Fuyuki City, accompanied only by her Servant and two maids. Illyasviel asks those she feels comfortable around to simply call her "Illya."

Her servant, Berserker, is the legendary Greek hero Heracles. This, along with her aristocratic upbringing, give her a sort of arrogant attitude, especially during battles. She develops an attachment to Shirou early in the Grail War, calling him "Big Brother," and offering to spare him in exchange for serving her. After Berserker is defeated by Saber and Shirou, Illya comes to live with Shirou at his home. Taiga becomes a sort of big sister to Illya, taking care of her whenever Shirou is away, even after the Grail War ends.

Shirou Emiya (衛宮 士郎)
Age: 17
Affiliation: Homurahara Academy, Year 2 class C
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Servant: Saber
Likes: housework
Dislikes: Umekobucha 
Talents: tinkering with junk, housework
Famous quote: "I don't want to regret anything. I want to make all the tragedies that happened into meaningful things by believing that my path is right."

Shirou is the main character of Fate/stay night. He is a serious yet helpful, hardworking, and honest teenager. His hobbies include fixing a variety of broken things, from VCRs to stoves, as well as cooking and cleaning. He has some slight talent with sorcery, though he was discouraged by his foster father Kiritsugu Emiya from improving his gifts. He is initially confused about the Holy Grail War and attempts to irrationally shield others from danger, including his own Servant, Saber.

Shirou is unskilled in most traditional forms of sorcery, and his only effective magic is Reinforcement, the power to analyze the structural composition of objects and increase their effectiveness by understanding their chemical and physical makeup, such as the sharpness and durability of a sword and shield. However, he lacks mastery for even this simple spell, and his various applications of it are limited.

Source: MAL

Anime promotional video

English dubbed


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