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Kaihou Norimitsu & Chiba Sadoru | Gakkou Gurashi! (R17)

Japanese: がっこうぐらし!
English: School-Live!
Synonyms: Gakkougurashi!
Type: Manga
Volumes: 8 +
Chapters: 49 +
Status: Publishing
Published: May 24, 2012 to ?
Genres: Mystery, Horror, School, Slice of Life, Psychological
Authors: Kaihou Norimitsu (Story), Chiba Sadoru (Art)
Serialization: Manga Time Kirara Forward

Synopsis: Takeya Yuki is in love with the school. For her, it's a wonderful place, where she enjoys her school activities, especially the activities of her club, the School Life Club. The club has Rii-chan as the president, Kurumi-chan as another member, and the teacher, Megu-nee, always there for them. Yes, she is in love with her school... in her mind. Because, for her, the reality of the school and their club's activities is way too hard to be perceived...

Related Manga
Other: Gakkougurashi! Anthology Comic: Kai, Gakkougurashi! Anthology Comic: On
Adaptation: Gakkougurashi!

Groups Scanlating
Norway Scan
Waterflame Scanlations
Yuri House
Zombies Ate My Manga

Licensed (in English)
Yen Press (4 Volumes - Ongoing) 

Source: MAL Manga info, Baka updates,

Side notes: I's more or less relieved when I jumped to see this manga. I at least knew it before hand! Well kinda... I saw the anime when it aired and I liked it to certain point (I do not like ghouls or zombies). The art is on good level though a bit sketchy (or that can be due of the scanlation that I's fast checking out). The story seems to follow lines of the anime so if you seen the anime the manga doesn't differ from it too much. As it is it's pretty good manga to read so I'm keeping my eye on it whenever I can.^-^

Main characters

Kurumi Ebisuzawa (恵飛須沢 胡桃)

A twin-tailed member of the Campus Life Club, who is often sent out on the more dangerous missions. She carries a shovel around with her at all times.

She possesses a dignified atmosphere that leads others to think she is very mature, which she actually is. She takes care of the others, while living in the school, being remarkably calm in difficult situations.

Kurumi, despite looking innocent, is often the one sent out on the more dangerous missions. She is also very strong, energetic and cheerful, always wearing a smile on her lips. She is very friendly and welcoming, as she cares for her friends deeply and is loyal. Physically speaking, she's the most capable, and always helping out. She possesses a dignified atmosphere that leads others to think she is very mature, which she is, but is also very girlish, as Kurumi has said that when she grows up, she would like to be a cute bride. While she generally got a bright personality, she’s really naive. She feels guilty after fighting the zombies off and has nightmares of it, often about the day she killed her beloved senpai. Though she is the one who usually fights the zombies, she is ironically afraid of ghosts.

She takes care of Yuki and remains supportive to Yuuri and Miki while living in the school, being remarkably calm in difficult situations. She is also very lively, determined and straightforward, and quite confident in her own abilities. However, it is shown that Kurumi can be impulsive and violent if the situation is very sensitive to herself. She likes to play video games and was very surprised to see that Saint Isidore University had games and even a television. She also seems to value the human life a lot, being very saddened that Radio DJ died before she could rescue her.

(Ed. by me from the original text on wikia)

Yuki Takeya (丈槍 由紀)

Takeya Yuki is a high school girl in the "School Live Club", she is cheerful and very childish. Yuki is energetic girl who can sometimes be overly optimistic and positive, as she always tries to see the best in others and things. She tries her best at everything, as the word "lose" doesn't exist in her dictionary. She is also childish, naive and an airhead, to which she often relies others to help her. Due to this attitude, she has developed a very carefree and innocent personality and can often easily accept other people's faults.

She never doubts her friends: always believing in them and never leaving them alone, caring for them deeply. Yuki also often performs silly actions, something that Kurumi comments it being Yuki's "adult-like" act; though Yuki denies this.

When the outbreak occurred, Yuki was the first one to realize what was going on. She was absolutely terrified, which later made her create her own delusions; that her classmates were still alive and well, and that the outbreak never occurred. Though her teacher Megumi Sakura concluded that it was her fault that her time had "stopped".

(Ed. by me from the original text on wikia)

Miki Naoki (直樹 美紀)

A blonde-haired girl who the Campus Life Club rescue whilst scouting a shopping mall. At first, she hated the way Kurumi and Yuuri just accepted Yuki's illusions, but later came to understand them. She also became kind and soft, opening her true self to other members. 

She is especially close to Yuki and Kurumi. Though she accepted Yuki's delusions, she isn't sure how handle delusions as Kurumi and Yuuri. When Yuuri became delusional about Ruu, Miki was unsure how to greet her and produced unsure reactions when someone brought up her. Miki also really enjoys reading books and is usually seen reading the book called The Stand. 

Miki is also very smart, and very good at her studies. Her friend Kei was impressed by the fact that she could read difficult books. She is also very girly, and Miki sometimes tended to not be honest with her feelings, but this changed over the story as she became very comfortable with the others and is seen saying the things that were on her mind, with the exception of some things.

After her close friend, Kei, left the sanctuary, Miki was seen to be mentally unstable and quite fragile as she was seen breaking down since she was all alone. She was also apparently fine with living in the shelter, as she both had water and food, but after her Kei left she did understand that she wasn't okay with living a life isolated from the outside world, but she didn't want to lose as she did try to have a calm demeanor. After being rescued, she cheered up, but she still misses Kei very much, however, the support from the School Life Club keeps her moving forward. 

Miki is very mature and can be serious though she usually holds a quiet, frowning face, she does perk up and smile at times. Miki is very polite and kind, as she uses the honorifics and calls her seniors Yuki and Kurumi for "senpai". She is also very caring and supportive, as she comforts her friends when they feel down, and gives them words of encouragement when they need it. Miki has a strong sense of justice, as she ultimately threw away a gun she found before leaving the school, as an "accidental" discharge would be bad, despite the advantages their club would have with the gun.

(Ed. by me from the original text on wikia)

Yuuri Wakasa (若狭 悠里)

The president of the Campus Life Club. She manages food, electricity, lessons, and other resources and activities. Yuuri is usually very calm and matured, and gives off a very relaxed air, and is usually proper of her actions. She also is quite serious, but like Kurumi, she always cares for her comrades as she looks after Yuki in the school. 

She is the one who manages: food, electricity, lessons, and other resources and activities, showing that she has great sense of responsibility. As the big-sister figure, Yuuri seems to quite smart and knowledge as she sometimes helps Yuki with her studies, and she keeps a strong front for the other members, most of the time.

However, in reality, she is mentally fragile and is seen breaking down when in a seemingly hopeless situation. Due to the increasing stress about forgetting about her younger sister, Ruu, Yuuri created a delusion that she survived at her elementary school named Namekawa Grade School, quite similar to Yuki's case with Megumi. The others from Saint Isidore University and the School Living Club, including Yuki, were simply playing along to keep Yuuri happy and sane as they did for Yuki in the past. It is also shown that, she beings to panic and scream sometimes as she can't handle the everything in a stressful situation.

Yuuri is always thinking ahead, and she is also friendly and will help anyone in need, and has a very strong heart. She can however be quite "scary", often giving out a intimidating aura around her when she's mad. Usually Yuuri is very polite and soft tonally, and never raises her voice unless it isn't necessary, as she has only seen being upset very few times in the series.

(Ed. by me from the original text on wikia)


Taroumaru (太郎丸)

Taroumaru is a little dog that Yuki found while exploring. After some begging, he was allowed to stay in the club.

In the manga, Taroumaru only appeared once in a flashback before the story began.

Megumi Sakura (佐倉 慈)

A teacher and the adviser of the School-Live club who is commonly ignored yet loved by all the girls.

Source: MAL, wikia

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