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Kamatani Yuhki | Nabari no Ou

Japanese: 隠の王
English: Nabari no Ou
Type: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 72
Status: Completed
Published: May 18, 2004 to Aug 18, 2010
Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, School, Shounen, Supernatural
Mangaka: Kamatani Yuhki (Story & Art)
Serialization: GFantasy

Synopsis: Apathetic schoolboy Miharu Rokujou is content to meander through life in the sleepy village of Banten. But his quiet existence is shattered when the Grey Wolves of Iga, a powerful ninja clan, attempt to kidnap him in broad daylight. Only then does Miharu discover that the ultimate power of the hidden ninja realm — a power that can do both great good and great harm — is sealed within his body. As battles erupt among rival ninja clans seeking to control him, Miharu must overcome his apathy and learn the ways of the ninja if he wants any shot at survival!

Related Manga
Adaptation: Nabari no Ou
Side story: Nabari no Ou dj - Osanagokoro no Niwa

Anime Start/End Chapter
Starts at Vol 1, Chap 1
Ends at Vol 7, Chap 38

Groups Scanlating
Angry Candy
Astrialite Scans
Basement Scan
Da Gurlz Translationz
Nihil Novi Scanlations
Nyaabari Scans
Raspberry Scans
Roseille Scans
SZJ Scans

Licensed in English
Yen Press (14 volumes, complete)

Source: MAL Manga info, Baka updates

Side notes: As I've been hurrying around with these post today I'm finally stopping here.^-^ And as you can guess... yup again one anime that I've seen... and it lead me here. I liked the anime and the story so this is one of my most liked stories of today. It also serves as a side dish or a main dish for anyone that don't like Alice in Wonderland so much.^-^ This is one good option to read or see as an anime.

Main characters

Yoite (宵風)
Age: 16 years
Birthday: Late December (self-claimed)
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Shoe Size: 25 cm
Blood Type: Unknown
Likes: The darkness of night, chikuzenni (type of chicken stew consisting of taro, carrots, burdock, etc), lemonade
Dislikes: Bright places, people who judge based on appearance
Specialties: Pitching, mental calculations
Techniques: Iga's "Kira" (伊賀「気羅」)

A 16-year-old ninja in the Kairōshū who uses the forbidden technique "kira". This technique shoots the user's ki into the body of a target and controls it from the inside out, which can cause the target's bones to break or their body to completely explode. The cost of using this technique is the loss of the user's life force, gradually losing their five senses and eventually dying. According to volume 4, he has roughly two more months to live. He appears to be very sensitive, as he used the kira technique and almost killed a delivery man just because he called him a "cute kid". He is also shown to eat at a rapid pace. After first abducting Miharu and taking him to an abandoned train car, Yoite tells Miharu his friends will die from the ki he implanted inside them; unless Miharu utilizes the Shinrabanshō to grant his wish, to be "erased" from existence. This turns out to be a lie, but Miharu still aims to grant the wish. Yoite usually wears all black, with leather gloves, and a tan-colored gatsby cap. 

Miharu Rokujou (六条 壬晴)
Age: 14 years
Birthday: October 10
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Shoe size: 27.5 cm
Blood type: Unknown
Horoscope : Libra
Likes: None
Dislikes: None
Special techniques: indifference, little devil

The protagonist of series, Rokujou is a 14-year-old middle school student. He holds Nabari's hijutsu, the 'Shinra banshō', in his body. He pretends to act indifferent to those around him in order to protect them from getting hurt, though he is not averse to acting in a rather innocent and cute way in order to get what he wants. He remembers little of his childhood, and had lost his parents at a young age. His only goal is to help Yoite to grant his wish.

Raikou Shimizu (清水 雷光)
Age: 20
Birthday: August 20
Height : 177cm
Weight: 65 kg
Shoe size: 27.5 cm
Blood type: O
Likes: Red Spider Lily, collecting protective charms, delicious drinks, honey 
Skills: Pretending he didn't hear, Cat's cradle
Dislikes: Fast moving trends, flowers with big blossoms
Personal sword: White Gamon

Older brother of Shimizu Raimei and a member of the Kairoshuu. His disposal team is "Wakachi" with Gau.

Thobari Durandal Kumohira (雲平・帷・デュランダル)
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3/17 (17 March)
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 73 kg
Shoe size: 29 cm
Blood type: AB
Likes: Gardening, Bacon Bagel
Dislikes: All Vehicles
Specialties: Pretending to be out, Seal Cancel Technique
Birthplace: Waterford, Ireland

Rokujo's and Kouichi's 25-year-old english teacher in the "front world".
Born in Ireland on March 17, Kumohira is actually a ninja of the Banten village in the world of Nabari. He is entirely devoted to protecting Rokujo, and wants him to become the ruler of Nabari. He has an intense hatred of transport, such as trains and buses, and would not get on one until Miharu manages to "persuade" him. He went to Japan because his grandfather was a "Japan otaku" and "ninja fanatic", who forced him to go to learn to become a ninja, and was unable to return home for ten years (partly due to his phobia of vehicles). It was during this time that he became the Rokujo family's close acquaintance, the memories about which Miharu has lost after an incident concerning the Shinrabanshou and its user (who was either Miharu's father, Akatsuki Rokujo, or his mother, Asahi Rokujo) killed his parents and Kumohira's grandfather and erased the concerned individuals' memories about it, except Kumohira's himself, 10 years ago. In the anime, he is the temporary leader as the current leader is away, while in the manga, he is not just a stand-in, but actually has the power to arrange for a temporary leader. According to Aizawa, Kumohira has probably recorded Banten's kinjutsu through verbal communication.

Among the Banten ninjas, Kumohira is the most vehement dissident against Miharu using the Shinrabanshou, instead advocating its permanent seal. This often results in him going to great length to dissuade Miharu from attempting to activate it, which clashes with Miharu's promise to Yoite. After realizing Miharu's determination to fulfill his promise, Kumohira went into hiding to conceal the whereabouts of the last kinjutsushō, Banten's Engetsurin, from whoever trying to find it. 

Kazuhiko Yukimi (雪見和彦)
Birthday: 1/23
Height: 180 cm (when he slouches)
Weight: 76 kg
Shoe size: 28 cm
Blood type: B
Dislikes: Children, pure love tails, pills
Specialty: Cut-corner cooking, baseball

A 27-year-old ninja and member of the Kairōshū who acts as a squad leader on missions, such as the attack on Fūma Village.
He lives with Yoite, and is protective of him, caring for him as his health degenerates.
He is also a comrade of Raikō, whom he occasionally goes on missions with.
While he tries to act cool, he is also known for childish outbursts, which are usually directed at Raikō. Throughout the show, he is criticized by other shinobi because his main weapon of choice is a Glock 7 handgun, to which he replies 'get with the times.' However, he does also use more conventional shinobi weapons, i.e. kunai, shurikens etc.

His past is unclear, but apparently he and his sister were living in poor conditions before they were adopted by the Kairoushou.

Raimei Shimizu (清水 雷鳴)
Birthday: April 1
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Shoe size: 23.5 cm
Blood type: B
Likes: Training, pastries, BOSSA NOVA
Dislikes: Flowers
Specialties: Making desserts
Special Sword: Kurogamon (Black gamon)

Raimei is a 14 year old student like Miharu and Koichi. She is determined to kill her older brother Raiko Shimizu. In order to do that she must stick by Miharus side to find out more about Raiko such as how to find him. She and Miharu trust each other so Raimei keeps Miharus secret about granting Yoites wish.

Promotional video
English dub (XP)


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