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Kodama Yuuki | Blood Lad (R13)

Cover image: Braz D. Blood

Japanese: ブラッドラッド
English: Blood Lad
Type: Manga
Volumes: 15 +
Chapters: 64 +
Status: Publishing
Published: Sep 4, 2009 to ?
Genres: Action, Comedy, Demons, Vampire, Supernatural, Seinen
Mangaka: Kodama Yuuki (Story & Art)
Serialization: Young Ace

Synopsis: The vampire Staz is one of the most powerful district bosses in the demon world, fending off everyone who dares challenge him. But secretly, the fearsome Staz is obsessed with human culture, especially video games, manga, and everything that comes from Japan! When a Japanese girl wanders into the demon world, Staz can’t wait to meet the human and learn everything he can about her world. Unfortunately, before he’s able to ask her anything, the girl is killed by one of his would-be usurpers, leaving just her bare soul behind. Staz vows to help the girl restore her body and return to her former life—especially since it means taking a trip to the human world himself!

Related Manga
Side story: Buratto Buradora, Buratto Buradora 4-koma
Alternative version: Blood Lad
Adaptation: Blood Lad: Wagahai wa Neko de wa Nai, Blood Lad

Anime Start/End Chapter
Starts at Vol 1, Chap 1
Ends at Vol 6, Chap 30

Groups scanlating
Konnichiwa Scans
Noh Scans
Sora Scans
The Black Abyss
Twisted Hel Scans

Licensed in English
Yen Press (7 omnibuses, ongoing)

Source: MAL Manga info, Baka updates

Side notes: This manga has been on my plan-to-read -list for a while... and I'm still not progressing with it as I'm hooked to read Chinese and Japanese light novels at the moment. Still I liked the anime (which way I originally came to this manga... Surprise!) and decided that I'd like to read the manga too. ^-^b And that's only part reason to pick this manga up. As I found out there is more than half of the story untold after the anime so I need to get busy if I like to catch up with the latest chapters.XDD

Main characters

Staz Charlie Blood (ブラッド・チャーリー・スタズ)
The vampire, Staz C. Blood, is one of the most powerful district bosses in the demon world, fending off everyone who dares challenge him. But secretly, Staz is also quite obsessed with human culture, especially video games, manga, and everything that comes from Japan. 

When Staz makes a decision that he wants something, he's known for always accomplishing his goal and getting or doing whatever it is that he set out for. So, when the young Japanese girl, Fuyumi, wanders into the demon world by accident and dies, Staz declares that he'll help bring her back to life and is determined to do just that. And in helping her he also gets the chance to travel to the human world, somewhere he's always dreamed of going.

Staz is sometimes viewed by others as having a lazy look about him, though they never do well to underestimate him as he's also very powerful. He has rapid healing abilities, as well as the ability to paralyze weaker demons with his stare, he's able to control humans and alter memories with his saliva, can suck out other demon's magic with his teeth, and can crush someone's heart from afar. He sometimes says things like "I might be a vampire, but first and foremost i'm me" and once lost his temper and nearly killed his friend Wolf while they were fighting when he questioned Staz's reasons for helping Fuyumi, and then scoffed at his statement of being himself before being a vampire. He's very stubborn, and is also notorious for his lack of common sense and his sometimes impetuous behavior.

Bell Hydra (ハイドラ・ベル)
Bell Hydra is a sorceress of highest quality and meets Fuyumi and Staz after they use her gateway connecting the Demon World and Earth. Bell uses spatial magic which allows her to travel through gaps in space in order to reach a different destination. The Hydra is able to transport to anywhere just by willing it, while Bell requires a frame to jump through. By opening a frame or space, one is also able to see through it, like a window, allowing for someone to be spied on. She can also use her spatial magic to transport others or form portals that can redirect physical and magical attacks. She can also use her magic to dismember limbs by closing the frame around a person, such as she demonstrated when she captured and detained Akim. Through out the series, Bell helps to resurrect Fuyumi. Using her spatial magic, Bell often finds out information related to the dark plot brewing amongst the other characters of the story, but doesn't always tell others, and instead keeps to herself for later use.

Bell is a naturally bubbly person, but is also very smart, deceptive, and clever. Because she is a treasure hunter by trade, she has an uncontrollable curiosity for anything that has been hidden away. Though she may not seem like it, she is very girly and enjoys pink and cute stuffed animals. She is attracted to men with powerful abilities, which is one of the reasons she falls in love with Staz. However, in the manga, she realizes quickly that Staz neither returns or understands her feelings for him.

Wolf (ウルフ)
Birthday: July 24
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Blood type: O

Abilities: Werewolf, Strength
Weapons: Magic, Iron rod

Wolf is first introduced in Blood Lad in episode 2 when Bell mentions the "Book of Human Resurrection", and says that it is in Wolf's territory, an old enemy/friend of Staz. Episode 3 is when he is fully introduced.

An experienced and talented street fighter, Wolf is a long time friend and rival of Staz. Wolf was abandoned by his parents for not being a pure werewolf. When Wolf gets over-hyped, he grows claws and he grows a snout. Wolf is a mildly short-tempered young man, but with great ambition. He is very powerful and strong-willed, and thinks very highly of his strength. However, he knows he is not stronger than Staz, but still continues to challenge him to battles as he becomes stronger. The supposed reason to his attempt to conquer all the territory in the Lower Demon World is so that he will prove his strength, and be finally accepted by the same family who abandoned him, including his father, the King of the Demon World Acropolis. Additionally, Wolf demonstrates a very caring nature, despite his "rough" outer personality, as displayed by his actions towards Fuyumi and his friends in danger. He seems to have a small crush on Fuyumi, despite him saying she's not his type. 

Fuyumi Yanagi (柳 冬実)
Birth date: January 9
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Blood type: A

Yanagi Fuyumi the human high-school-aged girl from Japan who becomes lost in the Demon World after traveling through the  mysterious Black Curtain. She becomes a ghost after being eaten by a carnivorous plant. The triangle headband she dons on her head is a symbol of this. After she becomes a ghost, Staz vows to bring her back to life.

Personality-wise, she is shown to be a kind, sensitive, and supportive person, though she can also be naive and shy. She often finds herself astounded and sometimes annoyed by Staz's lack of common sense, yet she eventually has unquestionable faith in him, although she isn't afraid to stand up for what she likes or what she believes in. She tends to act as a foil to Staz's more outrageous personality. She wishes to be resurrected as a human, and strives to help Staz achieve that goal. It is also noted that she is excellent in using proverbs to describe the odd situations she finds herself in with Staz.


Blood family

Liz T. Blood (ブラッド・T・リズ)

Liz Tiffany Blood is the youngest sibling of the Blood Family. Liz is in charge of keeping order in Hell and determines the guilt or innocence of an individual and, subsequently, delivers a deserving punishment. She initially despised Staz and disowned him as her sibling due to the amount of attention that he received from their elder brother, Braz, in comparison to herself.

Braz Daniel Blood (ブラッド・D・ブラッズ) is the oldest sibling of the Blood Family. He lives in the Blood Estate in the Demon World Acropolis, and is also a noble, pure-blood vampire like Staz. Braz's goal is to overthrow King Wolf, after he killed his father. He is the eldest child of the Blood Family, brother to Staz and Liz.

Richardz Blood

Father of Braz, Staz, and Liz and also King of the Demon World, until he was killed by Father Wolf who consequently succeeded his throne. Despite his death, however, Braz successfully brings his beloved father back to life in order to allow him to seek his revenge, and once again become the true ruler of the Demon World.

Hydra family

Neyn Hydra (ハイドラ・ネイン)
Bell and Nell's mother. Lives at Hydra, part of the dimensional highway, in the demon world.

Heads Hydra (ハイドラ・ヘッズ)
The father of Nell and Bell. He is the Hydra, and can move about creating space, which is where both Nell and Bell gained their powers from. In addition, he switches between a dragon form and a more human-like form.

Knell Hydra (ハイドラ・ネル)
Bell's brother and Nyen's errand boy/son.


Deku (デク)
Staz's head enforcer
in Eastern hell
Mamejirou (豆次郎)
Can speak, use high magic
and share power with Saty.
Owner of The Third Eye.
Saty (サティ)
Owner of The Third Eye
café with Mamejirou.

Rasodo (ラソド)
Roi (ロイ)
Samu (サム)

Mimic Yoshida (ミミック吉田)
A rookie Eastern Hell enforcer, Yoshida has the ability to replicate anyone's appearance. Currently, he is filling in as Staz's double in Eastern Hell. Yoshida is a rookie demon, and therefore often becomes nervous in certain situations. However, he looks up to Staz for his powerful nature and abilities, which led to him joining Staz' gang. Even though his mimicry is nearly perfect, he has trouble staying in a person's role personality-wise, and tends to allow his own personality to slip out.

Katy (ケイティ)
Wolf's mother. Wolf Daddy wants her powers for a reason still unknown but she no longer has it due to staying in the Human World for a long time. Instead, she teaches Wolf how to control her power that he inherited. She works as a high school teacher in the Human World and is friends with Bell Hydra as they usually talk to each other.

Father Wolf
The king of the demon world.

Berros (ベロス)
Berros works below Father Wolf as the Chief of the Demon World Acropolis Police, and is Goyle 's partner. As a member of the police force, she is in charge of maintaining peace and order in the Demon World.

Goyle (ゴイル部長) is the Police Chief of his division under the King and partner of Beros. As a member of the Acropolis police, he is in charge of maintaining peace and order. His anger, which gets slightly magnified, manifests into a demon creature from inside him, called "Angry Spear" or "Spear-head of Fury", which is one of his dispensations.

Akimu Papladon (パップラドン・アキム)
An artificial demon (Dubbed "Artificial Demon Number 9") delivered to Franken Stein, who battles Staz. He was originally a demon named Pantomime, who was performing a top-secret mission for Father Wolf before he suddenly became out of contact. He has something to do with Fuyumi's appearance in the Demon World.

Franken Stein (フランケン・シュタイン)
The mad scientist of the demon world. He helps Wolf keep Fuyumi from disappearing.

Siam Kid (シャムキッド)
The leader of "Team Fearless", a group of vampire hunters. Hired to assassinate Staz. He has the ability to change into a cat. Siam Kid is very ambitious, and overestimates Staz' vampiric ability. Despite his eagerness, the rest of his team knows he is not able for the responsibility of the task ahead. Numerous times he is tempted by a drug called "silver vine" that supposedly he habitually used in his past. By having a part of someone's body, like hair, Siam's power allows him to predict the actions of his opponent.

Yanagi (冬実の父親)
Fuyumi's father.

Plant Seller (ナワバリヤブリ)
A man in Hell who controls plants, and attempts to murder Staz. 

Chicken Brothers
The two chicken brothers who own a transport service. They quickly bring Staz and others to Wolf's territory.They are supposedly extremely fast, but it is stated by Wolf that he is faster then them.They are slow at counting money.

Source: MAL, Wikia

Anime promotional video
1st promovideo

2nd Promotional video


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