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Kishiro Yukito | Gunnm Kasei Senki (R17)

Japanese: 銃夢火星戦記
English: Gunnm Mars Chronicle
Synonyms: Battle Angel Alita: The Martian War Chronicles, Gunnm Mars Chronicle
Type: Manga
Volumes: 3 +
Chapters: 17 +
Status: Publishing
Published: Oct 28, 2014 to ?
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Mature, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Seinen
Manga: Kishiro Yukito (Story & Art)
Serialization: Evening

Synopsis: As Alita begins to piece together fragments of her past, she travels to Mars in order to discover her roots and seek the truth about her Kunstler training.

Related Manga
Prequel: Gunnm: Last Order

Groups Scanlating
Team Pixie Dust

Source: MAL Manga info, Baka updates,

Side notes: As I first started reading this manga I had some hopes that it would to be something good to read.^-^ The art is good though so I'm not complaining about that. Problems come with some  stereotypical characters and plot setting. Still it's almost okay manga to read if looking past the clichés and see the big picture - though it moves pretty fast pace so there is no time to get to know people that well and so it kinda leaves them hallow.

P.S. The story jumps to the future (or present about 208 years from the "orphanage arc") in chapter 7. Oh and it would be really good idea to read the prequels to know the characters better.^-^b

Main characters

Gally (ガリィ)

Alita's decapitated head is found in the scrapyard below the floating city of Tiphares by the Hunter Warrior Daisuke Ido. Ido fixes her up, gives her a body and raises her as his own. Soon enough, Alita joins Ido as a Hunter Warrior, hunting bounties throughout the scrapyard city. She has no recollection of her past, and Alita's only link to her former self is her 'Panzer Kunst', a cyborg martial art she somehow remembers. While trying to embrace her new life and protect those dear to her, Alita is eventually caught up in the struggle between the utopian society of Tiphares and the suppressed surface dwellers.

Gally was introduced in this manga's start as a person that can't remember her past... only thing she could remember was a partial name "Yoko." The medic taking care of her and Erica was named Finch. The town's name where she was brought in was Mamiana. Later it comes clear that there is some people searching for her and her name is Yohko [-]chlecht.

Erica Walt ()

Her left eye is scarred and she can't see with it. Her family used to consist of Johan, Mariia and Hershey (dog). She met Gally at the treatment center where she was alone. She lived in Curie Stadt (/City) and after the war she ended up to Mamiana. Her family died in the war which could have been "a good thing" as they were abusive towards Erica.

She was Yoko's closest friend during the Terraforming Wars, during which both girls were orphaned and were subsequently taken into Grünthal. Erica surfaced during Operation Hagel as the mysterious Frau X (フラウ・X Furau X) although her true identity was not confirmed until the events of Mars Chronicle.

Erica, is a surviving Künstler and member of the Einherjar, making her a necro soldier. Erica's current personality is completely different from when she was younger. She is now an embodiment of the Künstler fighting ethic in its prime, that of a ruthless and brutally efficient warrior. Although she displayed a grudging respect for Zazie during their fight, it was speculated that she used an unnamed Dim Mak-like technique on her in order to try and break her spirit for displaying such determination. She has a tendency to use German words in her speech.



A medic that took care of Erica and Yoko at Mamiana town. Later on he takes them to a new place with his van that serves as a home to him. He has problems with alcohol.

Ninon Silber

Oldest of the kids in the Orphanage and who was the leader of the girls group. A relative of Lord Flammarion of the Silber household descending from the Old nine (Alt neun). Dreams becoming of the "Queen of Mars" to end the 100 year war and to take revenge on adults that treat children badly. Basically as the leader of the gang she is also a bully. She died before achieving that.

Gärtner of Beine 244, MUI

An MBV (Embayfow) from Baldachin Association. Her job is to take care of the construction of Baldachin and the Säulen by using micromachine (nano?) technology. Säulen keep the microclimate under the globe working and safe by securing the roof system. Säulen are made from living beings human or something similar. She tried to make Erica a Säulen but was stopped by her superior. 

Qu Tsang
Captain of the Guntroll ship.
Caerula Sanguis
SNS Board Chairman
 the last surviving Type-V
mutant, was infected by a
retrovirus the V-virus
and gained vampire-like
 characteristics such
as eternal  youth.
Queen Limeira
Danko, a berserk that
can act as living weapon.

Source: MAL, wikia

Story & Character Guide


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