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Mukai Natsumi | +Anima

Japanese: プラスアニマ
English: +Anima
Synonyms: Plus Anima, Parallel +Anima
Type: Manga
Volumes: 10
Chapters: 59
Status: Completed
Published: Dec 27, 1999 to Jan 27, 2005
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen
Mangaka: Mukai Natsumi (Story & Art)
Serialization: Dengeki Comic Gao!

Synopsis: Beings who possess animal-like powers walk among humans in this alternate universe. These mysterious mutants, the +Anima, are shunned by society. Four outcasts in particular—Cooro, a boy with crow-like powers; Husky, a fish-boy; Senri, a bear +Anima; and a girl named Nana, who wields the power of the bat—search for others like themselves while trying to gain acceptance in a world cruel to anyone or anything that is different.

Groups Scanlating

Licensed in English
TokyoPop (10 Volumes - Complete) 

Source: MAL Manga info, Baka updates,

Side notes: If you can't get hold of the actual manga version you're still in luck 'cause this manga is fully scanlated and available online ( isn't hosting all the chapters just those that are actually done by a scanlation group).^-^ Art is good old shounen style but not that messy though. Also the story follows good lines of shounen adventure manga so it's like having a piece of old time in hands. Due of these factors it's easy to see why the series gets a good manga status and I'm not ripping that away. It's for everyone that like a good adventure shounen to read and enjoy the air of the old times.

Main characters

Cooro (クーロ)

Birth date: Astaria Calendar Year 331 August 2
Height: 142 cm
Weight: 35kg
Eye color: blackish-brown
hair color: black
likes: almost all food (especially apples)

A crow +Anima, Cooro can spring black feathered wings from his back and use them to fly like a bird. He is naïve, a bit absent-minded, and slow to make decisions. However, he is optimistic and always cheerful. He is kind-hearted, and more than willing to help anyone in need, although sometimes his good work results in him asking for pay or food. 

It is revealed that he fell from the sky when he was a baby at the beginning of volume one. That is the last of his past you see, but there is a scholar who knows about him.It seems that he had his +Anima since he was born. He recused Husky from the circus when he arrived, but was first employed as the "messenger of death" (due to his black wings). He enthusiastically let Nana, Senri, and Rose join up and travel with them right away

He trusts everyone, which can get him in trouble, but can lead to good things. Also in some point he has ability to read other people or anima emotions.

His favorite food is really anything, but especially apples. He hates bitter foods and bees, and when his friends get hurt.

Senri (センリ)

Birth date: Astaria Calendar Year 327 April 30
Height: 174cm
Weight: 60kg
Eye color: grey
Hair color: grey
Likes: small flowers, honey

A bear +Anima; his entire arm turns into a large bear claw.

Senri seems several years older than the other kids, and can be very protective of them. While he prepares all their meals and protects them, they act as a voice of reason so that he doesn't go out of control whenever he witnesses them being injured by someone. He hardly ever speaks,and when he does it's in a single word. He carries around a book in which he presses things (mostly small flowers), and he treasures it.

When Senri is first seen, he's shown guarding a town that a group is trying to overtake, because the "gold" plant (a plant that grows when there is gold in the soil) grows there. Senri is originally of a traveling people called the Kim-un-Kur, who are mainly all +Anima and who all wear the same beads in their hair as Senri does. 

When Senri was a child he was out hunting with his father one day when they were attacked by the mad bear Amurui. While Senri's father managed to kill Amurui he became the next Amurui. Senri managed to kill him, inheriting his father's +anima, but also that of the Amurui's. As a result of the injury to his head he doesn't have the ability to control the Mad Bear and must keep it sealed with his eyepatch to protect his sense of self. 

Another effect of his injury has caused him to lose the ability to recall memories without visual aids to remind him of people he's met which he keeps in his book.

Husky (ハスキー)

Birthdate; Astaria Calendar Year 332 March 4
Height; 140cm
Weight; 33.5kg
eye color; blue with some purple
hair color: silver
likes: beautiful gems and pretty things

A fish- +Anima, whose legs completely transform into a fish-tail when jumping into water. Similar to a merman, he also grows gills, allowing him to breathe underwater and stay submerged indefinitely.

Although Husky is male, he appears effeminate, and is even thought to be a girl by some of the characters. He is considered to be the most intelligent and rational of the group. He wields a long staff for a weapon that he took from the Beehive Manor. When he was younger, he apparently was captured in a fisherman's net and then sold to the circus, though he claims he worked there willingly. It appears, however, that the ringmaster is blackmailing him into working at the circus by withholding a pair of sapphire earrings that Husky treasures because they were given to him by his parents.

The presence of most of the one-chapter characters it just pure irrational. He is really bothered by Cooro at first, and only travels with him because he made a sort of deal with him, but they become good friends (though Husky smacks Cooro over the head with his "Cooro-punishing" staff every time he does something stupid). He actually leaves the group for a small time when Nana is invited to join, but she convinces him to come back. In the beginning, he calls her dumb and ugly and silly and countless other insults, but later on in the series his comments are sort of evasive (like saying girls worry about silly things when she asked if he liked her new outfit), and he even progresses to saying things that are really compliments, hidden in a vague insult or a rude voice. It appears, once the fourth manga rolls around, that he's getting a crush on her. He is from Sailand and got his + anima when he was drowning.As a child he was often teased about looking like a girl,which may be why he hates girls.

He doesn't really like food unless it is something incredibly good. Doesn't like oily and sweet things. Like fish more than meat.

Nana Alba (ナナ)

Birth date; Astaria calendar Year 332 October 12
Height; 135cm
weight; 29.5 kg
eye color; green
hair color; light brown
likes; cute clothes, flowers, ribbons, etc

Nana is a bat +Anima. She has very large bat wings, ultrasonic screech, and ears that can pop out and hear extremely well.

Nana loves ribbons and girly clothes. She was raised in a poor household with a kind but weak-looking mother and an alcoholic, abusive father. One night when he was attacking her mom, Nana jumped up and accidentally stabbed her father's hand with her scissors. He then went after her with an ax, in the dark forest at night, and she became a bat +Anima- she is still scared of forests at night. She originally joined a underground group of all orphaned girls in a town called Octopus, but left because she felt hated. Once the boys turned up and an unfortunate incident involving Husky's pearls ended, Delly (one of the girls) told her to go join them, because it would be good for her.

Nana seems to have grown less afraid and more opinionated during her time with Husky, Cooro, and Senri. Even though Husky "hated" her in the beginning, she now seems to have a crush on him, and cherishes the necklace he made for her. 

She is good at household things. She was raised doing household chores so she can do them naturally. Her favorite food is anything luxurious. Her favoriye food is freshly baked bread. She can't eat bread while camping outside. She also likes vegetable soup.


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